Core Values
We value:
1. Biblical Authority – We acknowledge the Word of God as our final authority for doctrine and practice.
2. Passionate Prayer – We readily admit our complete dependence on the empowerment of God to live a life of purpose. This involves practicing personal humility, seeking God, and actively listening to God in consistent times of private and corporate prayer.
3. Pursuing God – We purpose to experience God with such intimacy on a personal and corporate basis that our lives express an attitude that declares to God the deep, heart-felt sentiment, “We can’t exist without You.”
4. Spiritual Formation – We gladly embrace the responsibility and opportunity for all believers to deepen their spiritual walk with a life that give evidence of ongoing growth in the knowledge of God and joyful obedience to His Spirit as we are being transformed into Christ-like character.
5. Holy Living – We believe that God calls all believers to a life of holiness that is marked by Christ-likeness, Spirit fullness, and a distinctively Biblical lifestyle.
6. Intentional Discipleship – We purpose that through Biblical instruction and mentoring relationships we will make disciples who obey Christ and disciple others.
7. Meaningful Worship – We seek to glorify God by wholeheartedly exalting His supreme worth in both individual and congregational worship.
8. The Family – We partner with the family to model and successfully transfer the Christian faith from generation to generation by providing Biblical preaching, small-group Bible studies, and fellowship opportunities that foster a culture in which to build authentic relationships within our church family.
9. All People – We believe in the God-given uniqueness and dignity of every human life and will recognize the eternal value of each person by treating all individuals with respect and love.
10. Loving Community – We commit to live out the “one another” commands of Scripture in a unified, redemptive community.
11. Outreach Mindedness – We are a sent people who embrace the call of Christ to impact the world through evangelism, missions, and meeting social needs in our community.